Posted on: November 2, 2019
How does Greener Property Listings and Sourcing Help the Environment?
As well as serving the UK as property lettings and sourcing help we also feel strongly about helping the environment around us.
Our staff has adopted a green business initiative to ensure that we can reduce our carbon footprint and to make sure that we could have a positive impact on the environment with our business. Here are some of the top ways that are property listings company is directly helping the environment:
Keeping our fleet efficient:
Our fleet drives the most fuel-efficient cars possible including fully electric i3 vehicles with plans to introduce Tesla model threes in the near future. In purchasing fully electric vehicles we hope to bring the cost of the battery technology down while also utilising sustainable vehicles for our transportation. As our staff is required to travel quite often for work and for discovering new investment opportunities, each time we set out in an electric vehicle we are working to reduce our consumption of fossil fuels.
Planting trees after every deal sourced and tenant found:
We plant a new tree every time that attendance found and 20 trees for every deal that we source. The private area where we donate these trees across the UK should hopefully become a forest able to provide fresh oxygen while cooling the environment. We are pleased to grow a future for our planet as well as for our company.
Making our buildings energy-efficient:
We work to install everything from energy-efficient appliances to improved Windows and insulation. When we are fixing up a home or recommending properties to our clients it’s with the goal in mind of encouraging an energy-efficient portfolio of properties. Energy-efficient properties lead to less of a drain on our electric grid as well as cost savings for the future with our clients. We want to ensure that you can save on energy by investing in green products for your properties across your portfolio.
Contact us today to learn more about our greener property listings.